Developing the Mathematical Model of a Pilot in a Control Manual Preview Tracking Task
Название: Developing the Mathematical Model of a Pilot in a Control Manual Preview Tracking Task.
Авторы: Ефремов А.В., Тяглик М.С., Тяглик А.С., Игралеев И.Х.
Место публикации: Известия высших учебных заведений. Авиационная техника (Russian Aeronautics).
Язык: Английский.
Тип: Научная статья.
Дата публикации: 01.07.2019
Краткое описание:
This paper compares the pilot’s control actions and the pilot-aircraft system characteristics obtained in the compensatory tracking tasks, tracking with pursuit and preview. The model of the pilot’s control actions for all these cases is developed, and its adequacy to the experimental research results is investigated. By mathematical modeling the pilot-aircraft system, an optimal length of the corridor covering the planned trajectory is defined, which allows one to predict its further change. The result of modeling is compared with the results of experimental investigation on the simulator.