Development of pilot modeling and its application to manual control tasks
Название: Development of pilot modeling and its application to manual control tasks.
Авторы: А.В. Ефремов, В.В. Александров, А.В. Кошеленко, М.С. Тяглик.
Место публикации: 27th International Congress of the Aeronautical Sciences (ICAS 2010); France, Nice.
Язык: Английский.
Тип: доклад конференции.
Дата публикации: 19.09.2010
Краткое описание:
There are considered two models of pilot behavior in manual control tasks. One of them is the modification of structural model and the second is composite model based on neural network approach. The main steps in development of the last model are discussed in detail. The agreement between the composite model is given too. The application of pilot modeling is considered for two manual control task: development of criteria for PIO and flying qualities prediction and display design.