Development of Pilot Mathematical Model in the Preview Manual Control Task
Название: Development of Pilot Mathematical Model in the Preview Manual Control Task.
Авторы: А.В. Ефремов, И.Х. Иргалеев, М.С. Тяглик.
Место публикации: IFAC-PapersOnLine Volume 52, Issue 19, Pages 103-108, 14th IFAC Symposium on Analysis, Design, and Evaluation of Human Machine Systems, HMS 2019; Tallinn
Язык: Английский.
Тип: доклад конференции.
Дата публикации: 11.12.2019
Краткое описание:
The model for perception of the preview target trajectory is being proposed. The model is a weighted sum of the slopes of the preview target trajectory elements. A procedure for the selection of the weighting coefficients as well as other pilot adaptation parameters is proposed. The results of the mathematical modelling of the pilot-aircraft system corresponding to the preview tracking and ground-based simulation are compared.