Technique for Flying qualities and PIO prediction
Название: Technique for Flying qualities and PIO prediction.
Авторы: А.В. Ефремов, А.А. Коровин, А.В. Кошеленко.
Место публикации: 28th International Congress of the Aeronautical Sciences (ICAS 2012); Australia, Brisbane.
Язык: Английский.
Тип: доклад конференции.
Дата публикации: 23.09.2012.
Краткое описание:
A number of approaches are used now for the aircraft flying qualities and PIO event prediction. There are the following:
— Experimental approach by usage of ground-based simulators;
— Mathematical modeling of pilot-aircraft system;
— Prediction of flying qualities (FQ) and PIO events with help of criteria.
Each of these approaches has the shortcomings and limitations in predictions. Such kind of problems and ways for their solution are considered below.